He wore very little trusting the darkness of his skin for camouflage as he crept along the towers wall guided by the sounds of the city. Lean as an alley cat equally quick and graceful in her motions.
People of east Asian descent usually have a slightly different eye structure such as having an epicanthic fold than people of European descent.

. So lets start with the eyes since they are the focal point of the face. Each name is picked for a reason since names are the parents first blessing towards their child. Going into the workshop I had a particular story I was burning to learn how to tell without being inappropriate.
People forgot she was black and instead viewed her as white Hispanic or Asian because her race wasnt a central focus of her character. Im talking about describing characters as having features usually associated with Asian people regardless of whether or not the character is actually from Asia or even Earth. If you arent familiar with how the naming process goes do a lot of research.
You can describe their job their h. They will give up their careers when its time to settle down and have a family. I was terrified I was writing it and anything else involving characters of color like an out-of-touch white dork.
Bradford were compassionate and emotionally generous while being very straightforward. Consider how your character would react to different situations including both pleasant and stressful ones. It has nothing to do with imaginary racism.
Which is only an aesthetic choice not about representation. These Adjectives Best Describe An Asian Woman 1. People dont write much about noses but they can be distinguishing features for characters.
Its usually very noticeable regardless of the size of the eyes anyone regardless of his own race can usually accurately pick out an Asian person out of a crowd of Europeans and vice versa. Their class both eased my mind and. And there is nothing wrong with that.
He had strange eyes a clear pale brown like amber from the tall forests across the sea. Asian here but not East Asian. This is detailing done right.
The bottom line is that Asian people have mono-lidded eyes with an epicanthal fold. As long as youre not deliberately being derogatory any clear and meaningful description of a persons appearance goes. Some may work some may not and some may come to you easier than others.
Then develop a list of a few important details that you want to include in your description. Theres no harm in using the word monolids to describe East Asian eye features. You describe the things your character would see.
Dont make the readers first contact with this culture be a descrption of how asian they look. To describe a characters looks well start by making a rough sketch of what the character looks like in your mind. In Heart I had three main characters Ben Mizrai a Jewish DJ from NY Paolo an Italian businessman from Chicago Chi-town Windy City etc and Li-an the main character who is half Irish and half Singaporean Chinese.
So if you are describing these eyes here are some terms you can use without offending anyone. You tell me a guy has straight black hair and dark brown eyes and tell me his name is Haoyu. Nerds gangsters cruel effeminate video gamers geeks shy introverted mute asexual wimps kung-fu mastah sinister ineffectual women abusers not well-endowed kung-fu mastah math-y victims of white man stealing their woman cheap dirty and kung-fu mastah.
One of the easiest ways to imply a character is meant to be your worlds equivalent to Asian would be to give them a name from an Asian language. Practice writing a few characters. When describing a characters face the easiest way to do that is to first break the face down into its essential parts.
But theres only one real reason why you should do this and lets also look at some examples from some popular. The Chinese character description languages are several proposed languages to most accurately and completely describe Chinese or CJK characters and information such as their list of components list of strokes basic and complex their order and the location of each of them on a background empty squareThey are designed to overcome the inherent lack of information. Have you ever heard of stories of Asian women being extra guiding to their children.
In Katnisss case when she looked at Rue she could only see a little girl who reminded her of her sister. All have their own quirks and. Well then how about compiling a list of adjectives that describes your character to start.
I believe Asians or at least East Asians are very particular about their names. You describe a black character in a script by bluntly describing their race. What are you trying to describe the person or the ethnicity.
You tell me a guy has straight black hair and dark brown eyes and tell me his name is Bjorn and Ill imagine a Scandinavian man. Definitely Asian women are family-oriented. This is the best way to let your future producers identify that the character youre describing should be black.
What does your MC see when she. Its your wish for your child to grow up to be powerful wealthy kind and beautiful. Asian American men who are.
Facial features face shape eyes nose lips jaw chin brows ears cheekbones facial hair Hair color texture and style Buildbody type and height Skin tone Skin texture weathered wrinkled smooth hairy etc Skin afflictions acne eczema oily moles warts boils etc. How to Describe a Characters Face. A curious-looking black woman waved from the back of the crowd.
Theres no harm in referring to the yellowish pale or slightly brown or dark brown undertones of the skin just dont use childish adjectives. If you are trying to describe the person use adjectives that explain the personality the intelligence the sensitivity level the physical qualities long leg doe eyes great ass etc. When youre ready to write about your character focus on aspects that help to add detail about the character like old ratty clothes on a peasant or battle scars on a.
Than maybe you could describe their physical traits like the characteristic eyes hair skin tone and all of that organically through your narrative. Brown-skinned and white-toothed and clever-eyed. You can hint a it through your whole story every now and.
Here are some ideas of what you can describe to get you started. Stay away from the descriptions youve heard a million times like piercing or doe-eyed The eyes are. They can also be attentive to the needs of their husband and their children.
Of course maybe this asian-looking characters of yours dont have an asian-like culture. But youre talking about relying on physical descriptions of actual Asian folks which is a problem of representation because you. This way you are building a round believable character and not a flat uninteresting one.
The eyes the mouth the nose and the facial structure.
Writing With Color Asian Eyes Part 2 Asian Eyes Writing With Color Powerpoint Tips
Wwc Guide Describing Asian Eyes Asian Eyes Writing With Color Writing Life